Best countries to emigrate to if you are Colombian

The best countries to emigrate to as a Colombian include the United States, Spain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Malta and Norway according to several recent reports. Each country has different requirements and advantages, so it is important to research and compare options before making a decision.

Below is a list of the best countries to emigrate to as a Colombian, based on factors such as quality of life, security, employment and educational opportunities:

  1. Canada: Canada is known for its high quality of life, free health care, quality education system and stable economy. It is also considered one of the safest countries in the world.
  2. Australia: A popular destination for those seeking a high quality of life and educational opportunities. It is also known for its stable economy and free health care system.
  3. New Zealand: It is a popular destination due to its quality of life and quality education system. It is also known for its natural beauty and relaxed atmosphere.
  4. United States: Despite the difficulties in obtaining a permanent residency visa, the United States is a popular destination for Colombians due to its employment and educational opportunities.
  5. Spain: Spain is a popular destination due to the shared language with Spanish and its employment and educational opportunities. Spain also offers employment and educational opportunities for immigrants.
  6. United Kingdom: It is a popular destination due to its shared language with Spanish and its employment and educational opportunities. It is also known for its rich history and culture.
  7. Chile: A popular destination due to its proximity to Colombia and its growing economy. It is also known for its beautiful natural landscapes and rich culture.
  8. Germany: It is a popular destination for those seeking employment and educational opportunities in Europe. It is also known for its stable economy and free health care system.
  9. Costa Rica: It is a popular destination due to its warm climate, relaxed atmosphere and rich culture. It is also known for its health and social security system.
  10. Mexico: It is a popular destination due to its proximity to Colombia, its rich culture and growing economy. It is also known for its gastronomy and natural beauty.

It is important to keep in mind that the requirements and processes for migrating to these countries may change over time and it is necessary to be updated on the latest updates and changes. In addition, it is important to allow sufficient time to complete the necessary procedures to ensure a smooth emigration experience.

United States

Because of its relative proximity and because it is the largest economy in the world, it is logical that the northern country is one of the main destinations for Colombians. It is quite attractive because of its strong economy and the significantly higher pay that a worker gets.
On the other hand, it is also attractive due to its great educational system that although it is mostly private, it has the most prestigious and recognized universities worldwide such as Harvard University, Stanford, Caltech among others.
To obtain a residency more easily you must have an extraordinary ability. Whether it is in the sciences, arts, business or sports.
The easiest way to explore the different opportunities you can have is to start with a study visa. Whether you are going to learn English, improve your English, or you may also choose to pursue university studies.
In case you didn’t know, each of the country’s elite universities have scholarship programmes and depending on what you’re looking for you could apply for one of these scholarships which can even cover 100 per cent of your tuition fees. So it is an excellent option if you are passionate about learning and have a good CV, as it is sure to be a challenge to win one of these competitive scholarships.


Due to the ease of the language, a not so drastic climate and the relative ease for Colombians to obtain residency. The European country is an excellent option and is the second best destination to emigrate as a Colombian.
In this country you not only have access to a good variety of recognised universities, job opportunities and a high quality of life. In addition, the government has recently improved the conditions and advantages that students have in the country and now you will be able to study at university and you will automatically have the possibility to work without requiring extra documentation. You will also be able to apply for the scholarships that are offered to Colombians every year.