What did Mayan people do?

The Mayan Empire, centered in the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala, reached the peak of its power and influence around the sixth century A.D. The Maya excelled at agriculture, pottery, writing, calendars and mathematics, and left behind an astonishing amount of impressive architecture and symbolic artwork.

What did the Mayans do for a living?

In the middle were the artisans, traders, weavers, potters and warriors. Since Maya culture depended on agriculture for food and trade, most Mayas were farmers during the growing season. After harvest, many of them would turn to work on building the incredible Maya cities.

What job did most Mayan people have?

The varying positions of the Mayan people included government figureheads and officials, priests, professionals, merchants, farmers, artists, and servants. The jobs people performed in the Mayan civilization depended on their social status.

What are 5 facts about the Mayans?

Top 10 Facts About The Mayans

  • The Maya were an advanced society! …
  • Mayan territory. …
  • 60 cities were built by the Maya. …
  • The Maya were inventors! …
  • They had one ruler per city. …
  • They were great at building. …
  • The Mayans had many different Gods and Goddesses. …
  • The Mayans had a writing system.

Did Mayan children go to school?

Kids and School. In the ancient Maya society, there was a special class of priest whose job was to teach the children of the nobles. That priest, or group of priests, taught math, science, astronomy, medicine, writing, and other subjects. But there was no formal school for the children of commoners.

How did the Mayans treat slaves?

In general, slaves were not treated badly. Sometimes they actually had easier lives than peasants, depending on what job they did and where their masters lived. But slaves were not free to come and go as they pleased. Often they were sacrificed when their masters died.

What games did Mayans play?

The ancient Maya ballgame called pitz was part of Maya political, religious, and social life. Played with a rubber ball ranging in size from that of a softball to a soccer ball, players would attempt to bounce the ball without using their hands through stone hoops attached to the sides of the ball court.

How did Mayans sleep?

They slept in hammocks strung up in the houses during the rainy season; weather permitting, hammocks were also used outdoors. Many Maya continue to live in houses similar to those in which their ancestors lived.

What did the Maya invent?

Two thousand years ago, the ancient Maya developed one of the most advanced civilizations in the Americas. They developed a written language of hieroglyphs and invented the mathematical concept of zero. With their expertise in astronomy and mathematics, the Maya developed a complex and accurate calendar system.

What did the Maya wear?

Men typically wore a loincloth around the waist with sometimes a cotton sleeveless shirt. Women wore a huipil, a loose-fitting tunic with an opening for the head and arms, or a traje which reached to the floor, held in a place by a faja, or sash. The huipil and traje are still worn today in Mexican culture.

Why did the Mayans fight?

War was a common occurence throughout the history of the ancient Maya, and was conducted for the purpose of destroying rival states, gaining tribute, and capturing victims for human sacrifice.

What did Mayans eat?

Maize was the central food in their diet, along with vegetables such as beans and squashes. Potatoes and a tiny grain called quinoa were commonly grown by the Incas. Avocados and tomatoes were mainly eaten by the Aztecs and Maya, along with a wide variety of fruit.

What was Mayan family life like?

Children were loved and valued by their parents. They were raised at home and were provided with a moral education by their parents. Children were required to go through various religious rites at birth and puberty. After puberty, girls stayed at home until they got married.

What language did the Mayans speak?

Ancient Maya 101 | National Geographic

What did the Mayans do in their free time?

Maya enjoyed their leisure time by playing or watching a very popular ceremonial ball game. This game was played on a long, narrow court with spectators sitting above. A rubber ball had to hit a marker or be propelled through a high stone ring without the use of hands.

What did the Maya use for money?

The ancient Maya never used coins as money. Instead, like many early civilizations, they were thought to mostly barter, trading items such as tobacco, maize, and clothing.

What jobs did Mayan woman do?

Mayan Women

The primary job of women was to look after the household, do cooking, take care of the children and do gardening in their personal gardens which usually accompanied each household. Women would also occasionally help out their husbands with their farming.

How did the Mayan people live?

The nobles and kings lived inside the city in large palaces made from stone. The commoners lived in huts outside the city near their farms. The huts were usually made from mud, but were sometimes made from stone. They were single room homes with thatched roofs.

Did Mayans have slaves?

The Maya had a system of serfdom and slavery. Serfs typically worked lands that belonged to the ruler or local town leader. There was an active slave trade in the Maya region, and commoners and elites were both permitted to own slaves.

What games did Mayans play?

The ancient Maya ballgame called pitz was part of Maya political, religious, and social life. Played with a rubber ball ranging in size from that of a softball to a soccer ball, players would attempt to bounce the ball without using their hands through stone hoops attached to the sides of the ball court.