What does coricancha mean?

What is the meaning of Coricancha?

Coricancha, also spelled Koricancha or Qorikancha, means “Golden Temple” in Quechua. This impressive Inca Temple of the Sun continues to be a key feature of the city for locals and tourists alike. Table of Contents. Inca Beliefs. History of Coricancha.

How was Coricancha made?

It was built after the 1650 earthquake destroyed the first Dominican convent. To construct Coricancha, the Inca used ashlar masonry, building from the placement of similarly sized cuboid stones that they had cut and shaped for this purpose.

What did the Spanish do to qorikancha?

After taking Cusco, the Spanish demolished most of Coricancha, melting down its gold plating and sculptures to be sent back to Spain. They then built a cathedral on the site, though they maintained its stone foundations.

What is the significance of Cusco’s name?

The name of “Cusco” comes from Quechuan language, “Qosqo”, and means “world’s navel”. For the Incas, this city wasn’t more than the center of the Universe.

What was the Inca sun god’s name?


Inti, also called Apu-punchau, in Inca religion, the sun god; he was believed to be the ancestor of the Incas. Inti was at the head of the state cult, and his worship was imposed throughout the Inca empire.

What did Pachacuti name mean?

His title Pachacuti, which he gave himself on his accession, means ‘Reverser of the World’ or ‘Earth-shaker,’ and the same word was used by the Incas to refer to the epoch-changing event or ‘turning over of time and space’ which they believed occurred regularly through history.

Who was the Incas most important god?

Inti Inti

Inti. Inti, the sun god, was the ranking deity in the Inca pantheon. His warmth embraced the Andean earth and matured crops, and he was beloved by farmers. Inti was represented with a human face on a ray-splayed disk.

What religion were the Incas?


Just as with other ancient peoples you’ve studied, the Inca were polytheistic. That means that they believed in and worshiped many, many gods and goddesses. One important part of their religious worship was their many religious festivals. Some festivals continued for days.

Who built qorikancha?

Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui

The construction of the complex is commonly attributed to Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, the 9th Inca ruler (1438-1471 CE) who also embarked on a general rebuilding programme in the capital. Despite excavations, though, the exact chronology of the site is not clear.

Did the Spanish abuse the Aztecs?

Under the leadership of Hernan Cortes in 1521, the Aztec Empire was destroyed. The Aztecs were a primitive people who practiced rituals that were inhumane. Spanish rule put and end to those cruel traditions.

What did the Spanish do when they met Aztecs?

The Aztecs, under their last ruler, Cuauhtémoc (c. 1495-1525), resisted fiercely but were finally defeated in late 1521. Cortés razed Tenochtitlan, building his own capital over its ruins, and proclaimed the Aztec Empire to be New Spain.

Did the Inca believe in an afterlife?

Quote from video:

How do you pronounce qorikancha?

Quote from video: Koricancha koricancha koricancha koricancha cubrí cancha koricancha.

Who built qorikancha?

Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui

The construction of the complex is commonly attributed to Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, the 9th Inca ruler (1438-1471 CE) who also embarked on a general rebuilding programme in the capital. Despite excavations, though, the exact chronology of the site is not clear.

What is the name of the Inca’s most revered god?

The Inca worshipped a number of Gods, including the sun (Inti). But they believed in a Main God, Wiraqocha, the creator of all things.

In what Inca city was the important temple of Coricancha located?

Coricancha was the most important religious temple of Cusco, in the capital of Tawantinsuyo, the territory of the Incas empire. It was built in 1438 by Manco Capac and devoted to the Sun.

What was unique about the Coricancha Temple?

Coricancha was the center of Cusco, in more ways than just geographical. It was also the religious center, as a sacred place where appreciation was shown for Inti, the Inca Sun God. In fact, it was the only temple that existed only for religious ceremonies and was the most sacred temple of all the Incas.

Who was the Incas most important god?

Inti Inti

Inti. Inti, the sun god, was the ranking deity in the Inca pantheon. His warmth embraced the Andean earth and matured crops, and he was beloved by farmers. Inti was represented with a human face on a ray-splayed disk.

What religion were the Incas?


Just as with other ancient peoples you’ve studied, the Inca were polytheistic. That means that they believed in and worshiped many, many gods and goddesses. One important part of their religious worship was their many religious festivals. Some festivals continued for days.