What goods were traded during the Columbian Exchange?

Christopher Columbus introduced horses, sugar plants, and disease to the New World, while facilitating the introduction of New World commodities like sugar, tobacco, chocolate, and potatoes to the Old World. The process by which commodities, people, and diseases crossed the Atlantic is known as the Columbian Exchange.

What are 5 items on the Columbian Exchange?

We call this the Columbian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange transported plants, animals, diseases, technologies, and people one continent to another. Crops like tobacco, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, cacao, peanuts, and pumpkins went from the Americas to rest of the world.

What 3 things were exchanged in the Columbian Exchange?

Crosby’s 1972 book, which divided the exchange into three categories: diseases, animals, and plants.

What good things came out of the Columbian Exchange?

Pros of the Columbian Exchange

  • Crops providing significant food supplies were exchanged. …
  • Better food sources led to lower mortality rates and fueled a population explosion. …
  • Livestock and other animals were exchanged. …
  • Horses were reintroduced to the New World. …
  • New technologies were introduced to the New World.

What are 5 items that came from the Old World to the New World?

American crops such as maize, potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, cassava, sweet potatoes, and chili peppers became important crops around the world. Old World rice, wheat, sugar cane, and livestock, among other crops, became important in the New World.

What was traded in the Columbian Exchange quizlet?

The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of plants, animal, and foods. This exchange had a positive and a negative effect. What plants did the Old World bring to the New World? The Old World broght over wheat, rice, coffee, horses, pigs, cows and chickens.

What goods did the Europeans trade for slaves?

Africans were either captured in warring raids or kidnapped and taken to the port by African slave traders. There they were exchanged for iron, guns, gunpowder, mirrors, knives, cloth, and beads brought by boat from Europe. When Europeans arrived along the West African coast, slavery already existed on the continent.

What goods came from Europe?

Europe sent manufactured goods and luxuries to North America. Europe also sent guns, cloth, iron, and beer to Africa in exchange fro gold, ivory, spices and hardwood.

What did Europe get from the Columbian Exchange?

How did the Columbian Exchange affect Europe? Domesticated animals from the New World greatly improved the productivity of European farms. Europeans suffered massive causalities form New World diseases such as syphilis. The higher caloric value of potatoes and corn improved the European diet.

Who benefited the most from the Columbian Exchange?


Answer and Explanation: Europeans benefited the most from the Columbian Exchange. During this time, the gold and silver of the Americas was shipped to the coffers of European treasuries, and food items from Africa and the Americas increased the life expectancy of people in Europe.

What was the biggest impact of the Columbian Exchange?

The spread of disease. Possibly the most dramatic, immediate impact of the Columbian Exchange was the spread of diseases. In places where the local population had no or little resistance, especially the Americas, the effect was horrific. Prior to contact, indigenous populations thrived across North and South America.

Was the Columbian Exchange a good thing or a bad thing?

Though there were positive effects, the Columbian Exchange had a long-lasting negative impact. Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas facilitated the exchange of plants, animals and diseases between the Old and New Worlds. For generations, Christopher Columbus was considered a hero of American history.

What products moved from the Old World to the new?

Christopher Columbus introduced horses, sugar plants, and disease to the New World, while facilitating the introduction of New World commodities like sugar, tobacco, chocolate, and potatoes to the Old World. The process by which commodities, people, and diseases crossed the Atlantic is known as the Columbian Exchange.

What were the two most important items exchanged that came from the Old World to the New World quizlet?

Terms in this set (52) The three most important items that were exchanged in the Columbian Exchange were the slaves, potatoes, and cattle.

Which of the following best describes the Columbian Exchange?

Which statement best describes how the Columbian Exchange demonstrates migration and settlement? The Columbian Exchange allowed new lands to be settled by Europeans through the sharing of resources, ways of life, and ideas.

What foods were brought to the New World?

Over time, new crops were introduced to the Americas, including wheat, rice, barley, oats, coffee, sugar cane, citrus fruits, melons and Kentucky bluegrass. The introduction of wheat was of particular significance. For thousands of years, bread had been a central part of the European diet.

What foods came from the Old World?

Foods That Originated in the Old World: apples, bananas, beans (some varieties), beets, broccoli, carrots, cattle (beef), cauliflower, celery, cheese, cherries, chickens, chickpeas, cinnamon, coffee, cows, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger, grapes, honey (honey bees), lemons, lettuce, limes, mangos, oats, okra,

Was tea part of the Columbian Exchange?

Tea had an immense impact on the Columbian Exchange, it allowed regions like China and Europe to expand their connections and grow their land through trade.

What food came after the Columbian Exchange?


  • Gnocchi.
  • German potato salad.
  • Hachis Parmentier, a French Mashed potatoes and beef casserole.
  • Skordalia, a Greek Aioli.
  • Pommes duchesses.
  • Gratin dauphinois, a French Potato, Milk and Garlic casserole.
  • Knedle.

What foods Did Columbus bring to America?

The first voyage carried water, vinegar, wine, olive oil, molasses, cheese, honey, raisins, garlic, almonds, hardtack (sea biscuits), dry beans, salted sardines, anchovies, salt cod and pickled meats and salted flour. Fresh fish caught by the sailors supplemented this heavily salted pantry.

What food did Columbus discover?

When Columbus first landed in the Caribbean, he stumbled upon people, cultures and, yep, these unfamiliar foods.

  • Blueberries. …
  • Chocolate. …
  • Corn. …
  • Green Beans. …
  • Maple Syrup. …
  • Peppers. …
  • Pineapples. …
  • Potatoes.