What is the name of the Incas most revered god?

Inti was considered the most important god. The Inca Emperors were believed to be the lineal descendants of the sun god.

What was the name of the Inca god?

Viracocha was the creator god of the Inca and of pre-Inca peoples. Creator of earth, humans, and animals, Viracocha had a long list of titles, including Lord Instructor of the World, the Ancient One, and the Old Man of the Sky.

What god did the Incas worship the most?


The Incas worshipped many different gods, which they associated with natural forces. Their main deity, however, was the sun god, Inti. The Incas believed the gods had to be kept happy through worship. They held many religious festivals throughout the year, and these involved music, dancing, food, and human sacrifices.

Who were the 3 main gods of Inca?

Inca Gods and Goddesses

  • Inti – Inti was the most important of the gods to the Inca.
  • Mama Quilla – Mama Quilla was the goddess of the Moon.
  • Pachamama – Pachamama was the goddess of Earth or “Mother Earth”.
  • Viracocha – Viracocha was the first god who created the Earth, the sky, the other gods, and humans.

Who is the Inca god of death?


In the Quechua, Aymara, and Inca mythologies, Supay was both the god of death and ruler of the Ukhu Pacha, the Incan underworld, as well as a race of demons.

Who is the Inca rain god?

Apu Illapu, the rain giver, was an agricultural deity to whom the common man addressed his prayers for rain. Temples to Illapu were usually on high structures; in times of drought, pilgrimages were made to them and prayers were accompanied by sacrifices—often human, if the crisis…

Who was the first Inca god?

Inti, also called Apu-punchau, in Inca religion, the sun god; he was believed to be the ancestor of the Incas. Inti was at the head of the state cult, and his worship was imposed throughout the Inca empire.

What gods do Incas believe in?

The Main Inca gods are:

  • Viracocha. A god previous to the Inca world because it was known from time immemorial.
  • Inti. In addition to being Viraocha’s traveling companion, he was the Sun god.
  • Pacha Mama.
  • Pachacamac.
  • Mama Cocha.
  • Mama Coca.
  • Supay.
  • Mama Quilla.

What god did the Inca pray to?

They believed that nature, man and the Pachamama (Mother Earth), lived in harmony and perpetual interrelation. The Inca state promoted the worship of a creator god (Wiracocha), the sun god (Inti), the Moon Goddess (Mamaquilla), the thunder god (Illapa), the earth monther (Pacha Mama), and a host of other supernaturals.

Who is the 3 headed god?

The trimurti collapses the three gods into a single form with three faces. Each god is in charge of one aspect of creation, with Brahma as creator, Vishnu as preserver, and Shiva as destroyer.

Who were the two most important gods in Inca religion?

Deities of the Official Pantheon

  • Viracocha: He was typically personified as a human male, and known as the creator of humanity and everything else in the world.
  • Inti: Inti was one of the most important gods to the Inca people and known as the sun god.

What god did the Inca pray to?

They believed that nature, man and the Pachamama (Mother Earth), lived in harmony and perpetual interrelation. The Inca state promoted the worship of a creator god (Wiracocha), the sun god (Inti), the Moon Goddess (Mamaquilla), the thunder god (Illapa), the earth monther (Pacha Mama), and a host of other supernaturals.

What is the Inca word for king?

The Sapa Inca (from Quechua Sapa Inka “the only Inca”) was the Emperor of the Inca Empire (Tawantinsuyu), as well as ruler of the earlier Kingdom of Cusco and the later Neo-Inca State.

What are some Inca names?

Incan Baby Names

  • Amaru.
  • Anyas.
  • Apichu.
  • Apocatequil.
  • Atoc.
  • Axomamma.
  • Ayar.
  • Ayara.

Who was the first Inca god?

Inti, also called Apu-punchau, in Inca religion, the sun god; he was believed to be the ancestor of the Incas. Inti was at the head of the state cult, and his worship was imposed throughout the Inca empire.

Do the Incas still exist?

The descendants of the Inca are the present-day Quechua-speaking peasants of the Andes, who constitute perhaps 45 percent of the population of Peru. They combine farming and herding with simple traditional technology.