What is the state symbol of Alabama?

State Mascot & Butterfly: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail The eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) is the official mascot and butterfly of the state of Alabama. It was so designated at the request of the city council of Selma, which is known as the Butterfly Capital of Alabama.

What are our state symbols?


Title Symbol
State animal Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus)
State bird ನೀಲಕಂಠ ಪಕ್ಷಿ Indian roller (Coracias indica)
State butterfly Southern birdwing (Troides minos)
State fish Carnatic carp (Puntius carnaticus)

What is Alabama known as?

Alabama is nicknamed the Yellowhammer State, after the state bird. Alabama is also known as the “Heart of Dixie” and the “Cotton State”. The state tree is the longleaf pine, and the state flower is the camellia. Alabama’s capital is Montgomery, and its largest city by population and area is Huntsville.

What is Alabama’s national animal?

Alabama has two state mammals. One is the American black bear. The other is a large, gentle aquatic creature that feeds on underwater vegetation and lives in coastal and river environments. This animal and its kin are more closely related to elephants than whales.

What are some popular state symbols?


  • Song: I Love You, California.
  • Bird: California valley quail.
  • Tree: California redwoods.
  • Flower: Golden poppies.

How do you say hello in Alabama?

Instead of saying “Hello” or “Goodbye,” people from Alabama simply say “Roll Tide” or “War Eagle!”

Why is Alabama so famous?

What Is Alabama Known For? Alabama is known for its Southern hospitality, its history of civil rights struggles, and as the birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement. It is also a large producer of two commodities in the United States and is a significant home to space discovery.

What is Alabama motto?

The motto, “Audemus jura nostra defendere” (“We dare defend our rights” or “We dare maintain our rights”), was chosen by Marie Bankhead Owen.

What is Alabama’s fruit?

The oldest of which is the Alabama State Bible, from 1853; the most recently designated is the peach, Alabama’s state tree fruit, established in 2006.

What is Alabama’s state vegetable?

List of U.S. state foods

State Food type Food name
Alabama State vegetable Sweet potato
State legume Peanut

What is the Alabama accent?

Quote from video: So what's the musicality of this accent. Get a little quicker than your Southern drawl maybe a little less pitch variety than in your Southern drawl be still have quite a bit of pitch variety.

How do Southerners say goodbye?

Here are the sayings to use.

  1. Church is finally letting out. …
  2. Church is out. …
  3. Don’t take any wooden nickels. …
  4. Don’t let the door hit ya’ where the good Lord split ya. …
  5. Holler if you need me. …
  6. It’s time to heat up the bricks. …
  7. It’s time to put the chairs in the wagon. …
  8. It’s time to swap spit and hit the road.

Why do Southerners talk slow?

The Southern American English drawl, or “Southern drawl,” involves vowel diphthongization of the front pure vowels, or the “prolongation of the most heavily stressed syllables, with the corresponding weakening of the less stressed ones, so that there is an illusion of slowness even though the tempo may be fast.”

What is Alabama known for food?

Alabama is known for its barbecue, like many southern states, and even has it’s own unique White BBQ Sauce. But it’s also well-known for many other southern and soul food favorites like Fried Green Tomatoes, Classic Southern Smothered Pork Chops, Collard Greens, Fried Chicken, Shrimp & Grits, and Tomato Pie.

Is Alabama a good state to live in?

Alabama is well known for its low cost of living when compared to other states such as California, Texas, New York, Florida and most other states. Due to its moderate climate and location in the country along the US Gulf Coast housing, food and most living expenses are some of the lowest in the US.