What was the Inca mita system?

The mita was a forced labor system designed by Toledo to allocate indigenous labor to mines and refineries. Specifically, 16 provinces of modern-day Peru and Bolivia (over 200 indigenous districts) were chosen to provide one-seventh of their male labor force each year (Cole 1985, p.

What was the Inca mita system quizlet?

The mita system was a labor system used by the Spanish in Peru. It forced natives to work on state projects in return for a small salary. It was based on a system originally used by the Incas. 2.

When was the MIT a system?

The repartimiento system, frequently called the mita in Peru and the cuatequil (a Spanish-language corruption of Nahuatl coatequitl or cohuatequitl) in New Spain (Mexico), was in operation as early as 1499 and was given definite form about 1575.

When did the Inca mita system end?


With silver deposits depleted, the mita was abolished in 1812, after nearly 240 years of operation.

What was the mita and what forms did it take?

What was mita, and what forms did it take? The mita was free labor that was required of all adults. They were to spend some days each year working for the state. Why did the Incan Empire fall?

When did the Inca mita system lose significance?

The cortes of Spain finally abolished the mita in 1812, but it survived at least into the nineteenth century. Clorinda Matto de Turner’s 1889 novel Aves sin nido shows how forced labor in the form of pongos is extracted from Quechua speakers. The pongo system has survived in fact until the present day.

Did the Spanish Use the mita system?

Mita was a form of coerced labor in South America under the Spanish.

What is the definition of mita?

noun. mi·​ta. ˈmētə plural -s. : a forced-labor draft imposed by the Spaniards on the indigenous inhabitants of Peru.

Who used the MIT a system?

The Inca Empire’s wealth would cause a family often to require only sixty-five days to farm; the rest of the year was devoted entirely to the mit’a. A relative of the Mit’a is the modern Quechua system of Mink’a or faena, which is mostly applied at small-scale villages.

Was the mita system a good government policy?

EVALUATE Do you think the mita system was a good government policy? Why or why not? Yes because it kept people happy and was almost equal.

What is mita world history?

Definition of mita

noun. a colonial system in Peru by which the Spanish government required Indians to perform periodic forced labor, especially in the mines.

How did the Inca economy work?

AP World History (WHAP) 1.4 Deep Dive: Incan Mita System

How did the Inca tax system work quizlet?

How did people pay taxes in the Inca Empire? The system was strictly controlled by the government which told each household what to do. Most Incas had to spend some time working for the government and had to pay taxes in labor. Goods were distributed by the government rather than bought and sold in markets.

Why was the Inca road system important quizlet?

Why was the road system important for unifying the Incan empire? The messengers traveled quickly along a system of roads built throughout the empire. Soldiers could also be sent along the roads to put down rebellions.

What is the Maya civilization known for quizlet?

Mayans are known for fully developed writing system, as well as for its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems.

What was the Incan system of forced labor called?

Mitma was a policy of forced resettlement employed by the Incas. It involved the forceful migration of groups of extended families or ethnic groups from their home territory to lands recently conquered by the Incas.

What role did the mita play in building the Incan empire?

The mita system was important to the Incan Empire because it was the system by which the state controlled their subjects, and in turn, was one major reason why the empire was able to have so many useful agricultural and construction projects that improved the convenience and quality of life within the empire.

Was the mita system a good government policy?

EVALUATE Do you think the mita system was a good government policy? Why or why not? Yes because it kept people happy and was almost equal.