Why do Argentines say vos?

Originally a second-person plural, Vos came to be used as a more polite second-person singular pronoun to be used among one’s familiar friends.

What does voseo mean in Argentina?

Voseo is a substitute for 2nd person singular pronoun, in place of the more commonly used tú. That’s it. Instead of tú, use ‘vos’.

What countries use vos instead of tú?

Vos is the standard form of address (instead of tú) in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. It’s also common (mixed with tú, often depending on region, situation and social class) in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

Why do some countries say vos?

In the case of Central America, the majority of countries use the pronoun vos. Its particular conjugation indicates informal scenarios and it is used when protocols are not necessary. In Guatemala, for example, you would only address a person using vos if you already know them and there’s trust between you two.

Do argentinians use vos?

Vos is used extensively as the second-person singular in Rioplatense Spanish (Argentina and Uruguay), Eastern Bolivia, Paraguayan Spanish, and Central American Spanish (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, southern parts of Chiapas and some parts of Oaxaca in Mexico).

Can I use tú in Argentina?

On the other hand, in some countries such as Argentina and Uruguay, vos actually replaces both tú AND usted to form a singular formal / informal pronoun.

How do Argentines say hi?

When greeting for the first time or in a formal setting, Argentines generally shake hands and give a slight nod to show respect. The ‘abrazo’ is the most common greeting among friends and family. This consists of a handshake and an embrace. The number of kisses when giving an abrazo varies from region to region.

What should you not say to an Argentine?

10 Things Not to Say While in Buenos Aires

  • #1: “I don’t eat red meat”
  • #2: Tengo mierda.
  • Miedo = fear, but mierda?
  • #4: Soy Americano.
  • #5: “I hate how it’s so dirty here/the food is so tasteless/there’s no Wal-Mart…
  • #6: Voy a coger un taxi.
  • #7: “I don’t like staying out late”
  • #8: Me gusta Juan/María.

How do you say yes in Argentina?

So if someone asks you something and you want to say yes, just say “dale”. Especially if you’re being offered something or being invited to do something. Other options could be: “Bueno”, “Sí”. Sometimes after saying “dale” you may add another word to emphasize you’re happy with accepting.

Why do Colombians say vos?

I quickly learned that using “vos” (referred to as voseo) instead of “tú” (also called tuteo) to say “you” is a common practice in many Latin American countries, including some parts of Colombia. In Colombia, voseo sits somewhere between “tú” and “usted” in formality, and can often be used with friends or family.

What is the meaning of vos?

pronoun. thee [pronoun] an old word for ‘you’ used only when addressing one person, especially God (usually Thee), as the object of a verb.

What is the difference between vos and Vosotros?

Tú, vos and usted all mean ‘you’ in singular whereas ustedes and vosotros mean ‘you’ in plural.